


Keahiakawelo (Garden of the Gods) it is just 45 minutes from Lanai City.
Keahiakawelo is also known as the Garden of the Gods. This area has lack of vegetation, because of the rock formations formed by centuries of erosion.  Here the setting sun casts a warm orange glow on the rock sculptures turning them into brilliant reds and purples. 
The Hawaiian lore tells the story of the contest between two kahuna (priests) of Lanai and Molokai who were challenged to keep a fire burning on their respective island longer than the other and whichever fire burned the longest, their island would be rewarded with a great abundance.  The Lanai kahuna, Kewelo, burned every piece of vegetation in Keahikawelo to keep the fire burning.  The result is that the area is barren even until today.
Walking in the garden will give you a sense of what it would be like to step foot on Mars.  There is no vegetation, but the rock formations are stunning.  It’s a great place to take a leisurely stroll with someone you love.

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